
目前顯示的是 6月, 2010的文章

Definition of Diabetic macular edema

Diabetic macular edema: Swelling of the retina in diabetes mellitus due to leaking of fluid from blood vessels within the macula. The macula is the central portion of the retina, a small area rich in cones, the specialized nerve endings that detect color and upon which daytime vision depends. As macular edema develops, blurring occurs in the middle or just to the side of the central visual field. Visual loss from diabetic macular edema can progress over a period of months and make it impossible to focus clearly. Macular edema in common in diabetes. The lifetime risk for diabetics to develop macular edema is about 10%. The condition is closely associated with the degree of diabetic retinopathy (retinal disease). Hypertension (high blood pressure) and fluid retention also increase the hydrostatic pressure within capillaries which drives fluid from within the vessels into the retina. A common cause of fluid retention in diabetes is kidney disease with loss of protein in the urine (protein...


醫療法 修正日期 民國 98 年 05 月 20 日 第 9 條 本法所稱醫療廣告,係指利用傳播媒體或其他方法,宣傳醫療業務,以達招徠患者醫療為目的之行為。 第 85 條 醫療廣告,其內容以下列事項為限: 一、醫療機構之名稱、開業執照字號、地址、電話及交通路線。 二、醫師之姓名、性別、學歷、經歷及其醫師、專科醫師證書字號。 三、全民健康保險及其他非商業性保險之特約醫院、診所字樣。 四、診療科別及診療時間。 五、開業、歇業、停業、復業、遷移及其年、月、日。 六、其他經中央主管機關公告容許登載或播放事項。 利用廣播、電視之醫療廣告,在前項內容範圍內,得以口語化方式為之。但應先經所在地直轄市或縣 (市) 主管機關核准。 醫療機構以網際網路提供之資訊,除有第一百零三條第二項各款所定情形外,不受第一項所定內容範圍之限制,其管理辦法由中央主管機關定之。 我似乎找不到管理辦法ㄟ,那個被裁罰的大大如果是這條修訂後被罰的,可以向衛生局要錢回來 第 86 條 醫療廣告不得以下列方式為之: 一、假借他人名義為宣傳。 二、利用出售或贈與醫療刊物為宣傳。 三、以公開祖傳秘方或公開答問為宣傳。 四、摘錄醫學刊物內容為宣傳。 五、藉採訪或報導為宣傳。 六、與違反前條規定內容之廣告聯合或並排為宣傳。 七、以其他不正當方式為宣傳。 第 87 條 廣告內容暗示或影射醫療業務者,視為醫療廣告。 醫學新知或研究報告之發表、病人衛生教育、學術性刊物,未涉及招徠醫療業務者,不視為醫療廣告。 名  稱 醫療機構網際網路資訊管理辦法 發布日期 民國 99 年 02 月 04 日 生效狀態 ※本法規部分或全部條文尚未生效 本辦法自中華民國九十九年八月四日生效 第 1 條 本辦法依醫療法(以下稱本法)第八十五條第三項規定訂定之。 第 2 條 本辦法所稱醫療機構網際網路資訊(以下稱網路資訊),指醫療機構透過網際網路,提供之該機構醫療相關資訊。 前項資訊之內容,除本法第八十五條第一項規定者外,得包括有關該醫療機構之一般資料及人員、設施、服務內容、預約服務、查詢或聯絡方式、醫療或健康知識等資訊。 第 3 條 醫療機構提供網路資訊,應將其網域名稱或網址及網頁內主要可供點閱之項目,報所在地主管機關備查;異動時亦同。 前項網路資訊內容,除其他醫事法令另有規定外,不得登載其他業者或非同一醫療體系之醫療機構資訊。 第一項備查之方式,...

Use of the argon laser to close filtering bleb leaks

Use of the argon laser to close filtering bleb leaks Received: 13 August 1991 Accepted: 3 March 1992 Abstract We attempted to seal 15 consecutive filtering bleb leaks in 11 patients using argon laser energy. Eight leaks were at the conjunctival-corneal interface associated with a fornix-based flap, 4 leaks resulted from suture scissoring of the conjunctiva, and 3 leaks were button-holes in the conjunctiva. Thirteen leaks occurred within 2 weeks after filtering surgery, while 2 were of late onset. Argon laser parameters used were a 500-m spot size, 0.1-s time interval, and between 500 and 1800 mW of power. Thirteen leaks were sealed after one or two laser sessions, while 2 leaks required other treatment modalities. Complications included conjunctival fenestration and transient corneal stromal opacities. This study suggests that the argon laser can be used to seal filtering bleb leaks in many patients following filtering surgery. Supported in part by a grant from Research to Prevent B...

Retinal detachment following YAG laser section of vitreous strands. Apropos of 3 cases

J Fr Ophtalmol. 1998 Aug-Sep;21(7):495-500. [Retinal detachment following YAG laser section of vitreous strands. Apropos of 3 cases] Benhamou N, Glacet-Bernard A, Le Mer Y, Quentel G, Perrenoud F, Coscas G, Soubrane G. Clinique Ophtalmologique Universitaire de Créteil. Abstract PURPOSE: Retinal detachment after Nd: YAG laser vitreolysis is rarely reported. The pathogenic role of Nd: YAG laser is analyzed from 3 cases of severe retinal detachment. METHODS: Three men aged (40 to 59 years old) had one or more risk factors for retinal detachment: myopia, complicated cataract surgery, personal or family history of retinal detachment. Nd: YAG laser treatment onto vitreous strand was performed because of: retinal traction, repeated vitreous hemorrhage, anterior vitreous strand in a aphakic patient with cystoid macular edema. Within six weeks following Nd: YAG laser vitreolysis, severe retinal detachment with several tears occurred, complicated with proliferative vitreoretinopathy in two patie...