
目前顯示的是 5月, 2010的文章

Hyphema complicating laser iridotomy.

Arch Ophthalmol. 1982 Jun;100(6):924-5. Hyphema complicating laser iridotomy. Hodes BL, Bentivegna JF, Weyer NJ. Abstract Hyphema resulting from a laser iridotomy (iridectomy) occurred in a patient with chronic subclinical angle closure glaucoma. This complication has been described previously in patients with rubeosis iridis and uveitis and in patients receiving anticoagulant drugs, but to our knowledge, this is the first report of a hyphema resulting from a laser iridotomy in a patient having no known predisposing pathological condition, either ocular of systemic, While no complications of hyphema were encountered in this patient, we recommend that this rare complication be kept in mind whenever a laser iridotomy is contemplated. 筆記: YAG PI要小心造成hyphema,施打前須先問drug history, 以及注意是否有rubeosis


可以免除部分負擔的項目如下: 1. 主管機關公告的重大傷病,限卡證上列之疾病就醫者。  2. 「急性腦血管疾病」(中風)急性發作後一個月內,由醫師認定,不必申請 重大傷病卡,即 可免除部分負擔。  3. 健保卡有「福」字或「榮」字註記者。  4. 分娩。  5. 預防保健服務。  6. 山地、離島的特約醫療機構所提供的門診或急診服務。  7. 經山地、離島的醫療機構轉診至台灣本島門診或急診者。  8. 持「勞工保險職業傷病門診就診單」或「勞工保險職業傷病住院申請書」就 醫者。  9. 經登記列管的結核病患者,到衛生署公告指定醫療院所就醫者。  10. 持有健保卡之百歲人瑞。  11. 列管之多氯聯苯中毒患者。   12. 同一療程,除了第一次診療都要繳基本部分負擔外,在療程第二次起,只 有復健物理治療及中醫傷科治療每次不分院所層級要繳 50 元部分負擔外,其 他同一療程之治療期內均免部分負擔。  13. 自九十一年三月一日起,內政部兒童局委託本局辦理補助三歲以下保險對 象至特約醫事服務機構就診之部分負擔費用業務。   補助對象之資格及條件:     (1) 出生日起至年滿三歲之兒童參加全民健康保險者(含新生兒出生未 及加保,嗣後追溯加保者)。     (2) 未滿三歲參加全民健康保險之兒童因傷病住院期間年滿三歲者,得 繼續接受補助至出院日止。     (3) 如已符合重大傷病或低收入戶身分者,已享有免部分負擔,不列入 本補助範圍內補助項目:全民健康保險法第三十三條(門診)、三十 五條(住院)規定應自行負擔之費用。 註:「滿三歲」之認定請計算至「出生當日」,亦即以出生日期加上三年為補助截止日期。例如:九十年一月一日出生者,其補助截止日期為九十三年一月一日

Diode laser contact transscleral cyclophotocoagulation: getting the most from the G-probe.

Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging. 2004 Mar-Apr;35(2):124-30. Diode laser contact transscleral cyclophotocoagulation: getting the most from the G-probe. Noecker RJ, Kelly T, Patterson E, Herrygers LA. Department of Ophthalmology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To determine the multi-use behavior of the G-probe that is traditionally marketed as a single-use cyclophotocoagulation instrument. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A diode laser equipped with a G-probe was used to perform cyclophotocoagulation of the ciliary body in 4 human cadaver eyes and 15 porcine eyes (1,750 mW x 2 seconds). A determination of G-probe effectiveness was made following measurements of G-probe energy output, scanning electron microscopy examination of probe tips, and histologic examination of treated tissue. RESULTS: The mean energy output of 12 of the 15 G-probes remained constant at 3.10 J (range, 3.04 to 3.14 J) for 20 treatment cycles of 20 applications each. Scanning el